As promised a more detailed story regarding what's going on since last Thursday.
Well last Thursday Jay and I went for a swim and that was great. We had a lot of fun, and for the first time since Olcay's been 'ill' Jay was okay with joining swimming class. At the end we went for the big water slide, but that turned out to be not too much fun. For some reason Jay doesn't like the slide. My idea about this is that at one point several months ago, we went for that slide when Jay was very tired, and he didn't enjoy it. Ever since he remembers not liking it, and thus he doesn't like that slide. It's not the height, since we went on far higher slides at the Avifauna play-park. Anyway, Thursday afternoon was supposed to be fun as well, going to get Jay a haircut and visit Olcay in the hospital. But we got a call from Olcay, telling us that she was being kicked out of the hospital.
Due to a lack of beds and too much operations on Friday, she was going to be transferred to the Neurology dept. but they didn't want her around, since patients with a hernia are supposed to recover at home. So far for hospitality.
So Friday morning we were going to pick her up but travel proved to be a challenge. The nurses took care of that and the ambulance was taking her. In the afternoon Olcay's dad went to get the morphine and other painkillers and that was it. 'Neighborhood nursing' were going to take care of her, injecting morphine twice a day, with an option for a third shot.
Friday night it turned out that the pharmacy had made a mistake and instead of 9 shots of morphine we only got 6. No problem since we were going for 2 a day and 3 x 2 = 6.
But Saturday it became evident that we had to switch to 3 shots. The nurse that helped us Saturday called the weekend-pharmacy and I was going to pick up an additional set of 3 shots on Sunday and we went for the 3 shots a day routine. Saturday night I administered my first shot of morphine to Olcay and everything went really well. Supposedly it was either beginner's luck or I'm a natural. Ever since the shots are going fine, so I guess I'm a natural
Everymorning now, at 6 o'clock, I am giving Olcay a shot, and at 1400 and 2200 a nurse is coming over to shoot the remaining morphine.
This makes the pain bearable for Olcay and she can start recovering... although I think that it'll last until she gives birth.
So that's the extended version of yesterday's blog.
Today's cookie: Long Stories Do Not Always Tell More Than Their Summaries